As a homeowner, you know your home well enough to know when something is not functioning correctly. This is especially true of the
Oxnard plumbing system in your home. When your plumbing system is not functioning correctly it is going to give off several different warning signs.
How to tell if you are having Plumbing Problems:
Some plumbing issues in your Oxnard home can be repaired easily, but sometimes even the smallest clog can cause some major issues. The last thing you want to do is ignore the plumbing problems in your home. Especially when they can result in major issues later in life.
Below are some helpful tips on how to use your senses to diagnose potentially serious plumbing problems in your Oxnard home.
- Hearing – When it comes to plumbing problems, you can use your ears to listen for signs of gurgling noises from your toilet or drains. These noise could be signs the start of a clog in your plumbing system. Catching the clog early could save you money, water damage and other plumbing issues.
- Smelling – If you are in your bathroom, or near your kitchen sink, and you smell a foul smell. This is the sign of a problem with your sewage system. The smell of rotting sewage in your Oxnard home can be the result of a main line clog, which can cause serious problems to your sewage system.
- Seeing – The last sense you can use to test your plumbing is your sight. This is one of the most important senses to use since you can see a leak in your sink, and you can also see if there is clog in your drain.
Signs of a Ruptured Water Line in your Plumbing
One of the biggest problems within a plumbing system is a ruptured water line. Sometimes, it is easy to see water spewing from your home. Other times, detecting a busted water line can be difficult. Here are some tips for specifically detecting trouble with your water line.
- Water puddles in the front yard – unexplained puddles of water or soggy spots on your grass are signs that you might have a broken water pipe underground
- High water bills – As a homeowner, you know on average what your water bill should be every month. If you notice a drastic hike or an increase due to water usages, you might have a broken water line that you haven’t noticed yet
- Low water pressure – Before a leaking water main causes a complete loss of running water, it will cause your water pressure to drop extremely low
When you notice any of these warning signs you should:
- Examine the plumbing in your bathroom and kitchen
- Turn off the water to your home immediately
- Call a professional Oxnard plumber